Anonymous ID: 0fde61 June 25, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.9744778   🗄️.is 🔗kun


NFL Coach Supports Trump, Refuses to Back Down to Fans; ‘You Can Kiss My A**’ June 25, 2020


In an America awash in virtue-signaling political correctness, where the unhinged, intolerant Left has taken firm control of the pop culture, academia, the entertainment industry and professional sports, it’s refreshing to see someone buck the trend.


Someone like former NFL defensive lineman and current NFL coach Jack Del Rio.


The one-time head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars and current defensive coordinator for the Washington Redskins made it clear what people who don’t like his support for President Donald Trump could do: Kiss his a**.


In response to a tweet about him supporting the president – a tweet that now appears to have been deleted – Del Rio wrote, “I’m 100% for America, if you’re not you can kiss my A$$.”


Short. Sweet. Direct. Not much room for misinterpretation there.


This, amid rising ‘activism’ among NFL players who vow to revive kneeling during the National Anthem in ‘protest’ over the death of George Floyd in May at the hands of Minneapolis police.


While some in the sports world and in particular the Trump-hating NFL believe that it’s only a matter of time before Del Rio will be forced to apologize – he is, after all, the defensive coordinate for the team that calls the Trump-hating nation’s capital its home.


But judging by Del Rio’s Twitter feed, they may actually be waiting for a long time. Maybe forever.


Included in his most recent tweets:


— A video featuring a black woman defending President Trump against allegations that he’s a racist bigot (and with some really good facts, too!).


— A tweet poking fun at socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.


— A tweet criticizing a moralizing Sports Illustrated piece complaining that NFL owners will proceed with the 2020 season in spite of coronavirus because all they care about is money. Del Rio responds: “I think most players understand the risk of playing the game of football. The priority is not trying to be perfectly safe …..if so perhaps you should never drive your car.”


— He retweeted a CNBC clip featuring Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) who said we are learning that quarantining healthy people is not the best tactic against COVID-19.


— Del Rio retweeted a video of retired NFL quarterback Dan Orlovsky, a 12-year vet who just completed “The Murph Challenge,” a grueling workout in honor of Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy. He received the Medal of Honor, posthumously, for combat actions in Afghanistan, where he was June 28, 2005. The workout: 1-mile run; 100 pull-ups; 200 sit-ups; 300 squats; 1-mile run — all in a 20lb weight vest.


Del Rio’s response is certainly braver and more forceful than recent responses from, say, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, who offered days’ worth of mea culpas and apologies after daring to say he would always stand for the flag and did not agree with people who knelt during the anthem, regardless of the reason.


Maybe Del Rio will start a trend among players who are very appreciative of the fact that they live in a country that allows them to do what they are able to achieve.


While protesting is part of an American right and tradition, maybe players should keep it off the field.


Thanks to our friends at Trending Politics for this piece.