Anonymous ID: 14554f June 25, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.9744556   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>9743978 lb


Murphy spokesman Mahen Gunaratna declined to comment, adding, “We’re not going to dignify anonymous allegations with a response.”

NJ Advance Media knows the identity of three of the employees, who asked not to be named because of fears of retaliation. They say other staffers joined them, but they would not disclose who they are, but they have been involved in internal discussions within the health department.


The letter lays out a searing indictment of the state’s handling of the public health crisis, from its lack of transparency on how decisions are being made in reopening the economy, to the failure to devote enough testing and personal protective equipment to protect the most vulnerable — the elderly in long-term care facilities.


The authors said they are not “political animals by any stretch of the imagination,” and tend to lean Democratic. They say they felt the need to come forward because the situation is untenable.

The group claimed they were told “to avoid putting any concerns into email” as they were cut off from meetings and discussions.


The letters ends with a plea for help.

“We beg for your help. We come with training, experience, and a motivation only to help the residents of this state whether the crisis. But we have found a Commissioner, and an administration, that seems to care more about prevailing in their own childish war gaming than they do about protecting the public’s health. We need and deserve better in New Jersey," the letter said.