Anonymous ID: 4a4a4c June 25, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9744840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My grandpa was a lifelong democrat. I never knew the republican party existed until I grew up and got out on my own. My whole fam were staunch democrats. My aunts even run the voting station in town. Very honest, good women. But still they were all democrats.

My grandfather died in 2016, July. My mom told me recently, that he was planning on voting Trump (she's not sure if he got to vote early- he was so sick in his last days). She said he was fed up with the democrat party.


I remember him telling me at the hospital just a week or 2 before he died, when I asked him 'so papaw, what do you think about the election?'. He shook his head in disgust and said 'it doesn't matter anymore'.


The democrats have lost more support than we realize. If someone like my grandfather (who voted for Obama) was planning on voting Trump, then I can only imagine how many others feel the same way.