Anonymous ID: 5d590e June 25, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.9744741   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>3. The oath that was posted yesterday and anons took that oath.


>4. The enemy of We the People are now entrenching in major cities.


I support the idea and gladly take the oath.


however, we should keep in mind a consequence of this type of military organizing, which is that we are technically no longer civilians, and even our homes might in some sense be considered (by enemy forces at least) to be military installations where (legal) firearms and soldiers are quartered.


So, if Xi or the mullahs or whoever manage to attack us on U.S. soil, they could make an argument that they didn't target civilians.


Same dynamic played out in the Vietnam War, when commie North Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giap declared that every man, woman, and child is part of his "People's Army". Not that he consulted them before making this declaration…


but one consequence of declaring all civilians to be part of the military is that it opens the gate to events like the My Lai "massacre" where several hundred Vietnamese died. Were they civilians or were they "soldiers" in Giap's People's Army? Depends on who you ask.