Anonymous ID: 60bebd June 25, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9744442   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Obamagate Explained


Obamagate is the biggest political scandal in history, but it’s being either ignored by the major media outlets, or being made out to be so convoluted that it’s dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Here’s the simple breakdown, in approximately 500 words.


A Simple Start: Campaign Spying


The Obama White House thought for sure that Clinton would win, but they wanted to make it a blow out victory. So they spied on Trump. That’s was the tiny but primary reason. It’s the cover up that’s the huge part.


Enter The Steele Dossier


The Obamas and Clintons needed to manufacture a reason to spy, to justify using the nation’s intelligence agencies, primarily the FBI, to spy on a Presidential candidate’s campaign.


The Steele Dossier, paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was fabricated and used as the basis for the FBI to spy on Trump. It said that Carter Page was a Russian agent and the link between Moscow and Trump. Yes. The Democrats paid for a file on Trump that magically appeared in their laps with all of the things in the file that the FBI would need to launch a surveillance operation against Trump. Remember, the Democrat National Party and the Republican National Party are private organizations, not official government entities.


FISA Warrants


The Steele file only allowed for initial surveillance. Extensions on this surveillance are obtained by filling out paperwork known as “FISA Warrants” and approved by a judge. The FBI filled out these warrants with fake information, saying they had information on Carter Page that didn’t exist, in order to get the FISA judges to approve them.


Now Enter Michael Flynn and His Unmasking


This part gets super confusing and it’s where the left seems to be doing the most damage in confusing the public about the whole thing. Michael Flynn was an early member of the Trump administration and because he was actually in communication with Russia, he could’ve been dangerous in saying the truth, that there was no nefarious dealings with the Russians. So he was targeted by the Obama administration and FBI. They found minor inconsistencies in his story, saying that he “left out portions” of his conversations with the Russians in his debriefs to Vice President Pence, and therefore guilty of perjury.


The “unmasking” refers to revealing his identity, which had to be done in order to protect the Obama administration and the Clintons, to shed some negative light on Trump and his administration, and to protect the image of the FBI because flynn was in position to blow the whole thing up by going public and telling the truth about his interactions with the Russians and Carter Page: It’s all above board, both legal and ethical.


Going Forward


As these allegations are proven true, it makes Watergate seem as insignifcant as drama at your child’s school’s PTA.


A government law enforcement agency being used by a political party to spy on their opponents.


The unmasking and silencing attempt of Michael Flynn


If Obama knew about it, would be direct evidence of Obama and Biden knowing about the whole operation, and colluding with the Clinton campaign to help Clinton win in 2016.