Anonymous ID: d5168d June 25, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.9744848   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll ask this question again - does everybody here honestly think Big Mike is the only tranny in the in the mix? Strange isn't it that the Dems would take such a risk that could bring the whole show down just for the sake of having a single tranny on display. And neither Q or Trump are interested in taking advantage of this massive opportunity to destroy the Democrats. They've allowed them crash the economy and relieve you of your most basic rights while Michelle's dick is still swinging freely. The answer is Big Mike isn't the exception - Big Mike is the rule - but you're all too wrapped up in your imaginary patriotism to see it.

Barr look like a man to you? Sessions? Snowden? Here's some images to inspect……