Anonymous ID: ec1aa4 June 25, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.9744885   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They will argue there was no intent to harm and it was an unfortunate outcome. If y'all have some hard evidence of them sending them there so they would die, or sending them there to spite Trump - toss it out. If not, their evil actions through stupidity or incompetence or whatever they claim can be seized on. Would point out that Trump and admin support for the deadly ventilators and soon to be deadly vaccines and treatments (remsvedir) can be seized upon as well. Also, the government is responsible for the reimbursement rates for COVID, so they incentivized over-diagnosing, misdiagnosing, and mistreating (killing with ventilators, something doctors have known for more than 20 years).