I have been looking at lots of photos of dead people from Ghouta, mostly children, and most of them look to me like they are sleeping. If you have ever seen Romanian gypsy women begging in a European city carrying a sleeping baby, then you will recognize this deep sleep caused by giving a dose of sleeping pill to the child.
And lots of photos have people handling kids, who appear to be just as dead as the ones lying unhandled. Some have oxygen masks on, and they also seem just as dead as the ones with no masks. This whole thing appears to be very fake.
Now I did see two or three people who might have been poisoned by something like potassium cyanide which causes foaming at the mouth. But you have to wonder if it might simply be someone with a bad reaction to the sleeping pill medication that they used.
Is this why Q said baby on floor with hands in mouth? To get us to hunt through all these gruesome photos and realize that they are staged and the kids are just drugged to sleep through the movie being made?
The White Helmets are known for creating fake disasters, and Russia did say that they had intel that White Helmets were in Ghouta.