Almonds are activating.
Do allfags have almonds?
Very good. Understood.
I can translate a bit. This is in Russian, not Ukranian.
Top heading says:
American Sponsor of Ukranian Reform
Top left:
Bottom left: ?? organizations (I think it refers to NGOs)
Top center: Various foreign directors
P. Poroshenko, A. Yatsenyuk.
Bottom center: Geo. Soros
Top right: Financial sector
Bottom Right: Investor sector
Other anons already nailed the 3 things that struck me:
SS going up to check Trump's floor
when debris was falling in the vents he smelled sulfur (huh?)
Michael Cohen texted his old friend Dennis Shields on 42th floor to warn him to leave the building
EDRapeau, you have doxxed yourself.
Do NOT fill in the EMAIL or SUBJECT fields when you post. Safety first! Be anon like the rest of us.