Anonymous ID: f89e61 April 9, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.974725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5026


Dupont, Dow, Johnson & Johnson, Monsanto, GE & even Gerber… ALL these companies owners/board of directors are GUILTY of sheer evil, along with MANY others, of PURPOSELY allowing chemicals that cause cancer and other diseases in EVERYTHING.

Our food, water, personal grooming products, even our clothes are laden with horrific chemicals that said companies PAY OFF CROOKED SCIENTISTS & DOCTORS to provide "proof" 🙄 of their products "safety"🙄.

(((They))) PROFIT in every way.

Like when big oil also owns, often through a series of shell companies, the companies that clean up after an oil/gas/chemical spill, win/win (((they))) profit either way. Or like when big pharma creates "medicines" that often cause even worse health issues, (look at how many cause lymphoma like WTF!😳), but hey win/win we'll just get more paid because we sell the cancer "treatments" and pain medication they'll need to survive! And don't even get me started on antibacterial soaps and antibiotic laden milk & meats thanks for the super germs!

It's why so many uber-wealthy families own sooooooooooo many companies/corporations & especially LLC's.

This ongoing corruption and lack of basic empathy is why Americans are more overweight, on more "medications", more sickly and far too many are dying far too young even though we are well fed, have access to distemper free/clean water.

To think we are living in the modern age of technological wonders and white middle-age American men are dropping like flies, people, (even working poor) are becoming homeless at an alarming rate, (especially in CA & FL), 8 families account for 86% of ALL our countries wealth, Monsanto is looking to own and genetically manipulate ALL of our food supply, companies like Nestle would LOVE to OWN ALL of our WATER supply, the list of their crimes against humanity goes on & on & on.

Lastly, never forget the above statement is exactly why DC on down to local governments became swamps overrun with lobbyists, multimillionaires, and "representatives" who are all too happy to screw we the people on behalf of MULTINATIONAL corporations (AKA Globalists).

Okay rant over.