Anonymous ID: 7266ac June 25, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.9746330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is it not interesting that Q has referenced back to the Civil War on many occasions?

The rightful government ceased operating the day the Southern states walked out of Congress.

It has not functioned since.

Reconstruction of the states has never been completed.

Not just the southern states, all states.

A government services corporation stepped in and has pretended to be our rightful government.

A corporation contracted through the Constitution (a contract) to provide 19 essential services with limited powers.

Who owns said corporation?

It has enslaved the American people as chattel property and bound them to pay its perpetual debt.

United States citizen. Corporate citizen.

Imprisoned in a matrix of statutes, codes, regulations, licenses, permits and registrations.

These are NOT laws.

What is the rightful status of someone born in one of the several states?

American state national, Virginian, Californian, Texan, Etc.

American people have unalienable rights endowed BY their Creator.

United States citizens are granted civil rights (privileges) BY the government.

Got that?

Civil rights come from the government and are NOT unalienable.

Who has more power and more rights?

American state national or United States citizen?

There's a reason Congress, government agencies/departments and the courts don't seem to do what's in the best interests of the people.

None of them. None work for the people.

ALL Corporations work in the best interests of their owners.


Tough pill to swallow?

Yeah, it ain't red or blue. It is Red, White and Blue.

Rs and Ds are responsible going back generations.

Any of them could have stood up and told the American people the TRUTH.

A few tried and they were immediately crushed.

NOT nearly enough and none on the Hill right now are telling the American people the truth.

Economy is NOT shutdown because of the common cold conflated into a pandemic.

Government corporations are going bankrupt.