Anonymous ID: 9c5cae June 25, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.9746254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6262


Q, God Damnit man. If these democrat governors are "purposely" with intent, putting Wuhan Virus patients into Senior Living Facilities for the purpose of killing these people then why is NO ONE doing anything about this?


These God Damned people can MURDER with impunity? Right in our faces? This is beyond the pale and as evil and demonic as it gets.


Can you imagine that it's your elderly Mother, Father with an underlying condition that otherwise are healthy, ALIVE and these evil motherfuckers are purposely allowing that facility to become infected knowing damn well the devastating effect on the patients in that facility and not one, single US Attorney, DOJ. District Attorney or any other official in a position to do something about this...................hasn't. Won't?


Let me tell you something right now. I thank the good Lord that both my parents have passed and that I personally, am not faced with a situation like this because if it was me? My Mother, my Father? Who ever made that decision? Their fucking ass would be MINE. My life's mission would be indignant, justifiable revenge. There would be no turning the other cheek on something like this. We 5:5 here?


WHY? WHY is this being allowed to happen? Not once, not twice, not ten times or a hundred or even a thousand times BUT 10'S OF THOUSANDS OF TIMES? All over this fucking country. How many of these people served this country?


You've got the comms. Comms equals evidence. These damn pieces of shit didn't use a fucking piece of string and tin cans to communicate with each other.


Q, this is beyond evil. This is beyond sickness.

Anonymous ID: 9c5cae June 25, 2020, 2:14 p.m. No.9746344   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, kill your fucking parents and this piece of shit is walking around breathing, polluting the atmosphere. He can thank his satan that it wasn't my parents. Might not be tomorrow, next week, nest year. His fucking ass would be mine.