Searched for days to find a way to easily archive a thread in a scriptable manner. Finally determined that wget does not have the ability to download both the thumbnail pics embedded in the page AND the larger size images. Would love to hear of someone who got it working in a one-liner, but failing that, I created a bash script that performs two wget calls and does very minor sed URL rewriting to get the local page working with minimal transformations.
This is beta code. It works, but is not optimized, and can grow to be something really cool. For example, it currently downloads a single thread at a time, but you could easily get it to download from a whole list of threads, or even autodetect/update threads, etc. Anything is possible, so this is just the core of a handy little archival utility for chans. There are others, this one's merit is super lightweight yet effective.
Calling it Qarkzilla because it ARKives Qresearch threads and is kind of like a Zilla.
The script is available at https://