Anonymous ID: 572eff June 25, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.9746953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6975


In The Andromeda Strain the virus mutated to not be lethal also. The bomb never went off.

How did the baby and the old town drunk survive the initial exposure?

From Wikipedia;

>Hall realizes that the alcoholic Jackson survived because his blood was acidic from drinking Sterno, and that the baby lived due to his blood being too alkaline from constant crying, suggesting that the organism, >Andromeda, can survive only within a narrow range of blood pH. Just as he has this insight, the organism mutates into a non-lethal form that degrades synthetic rubber and plastics. Andromeda escapes the containment room into the lab where Dutton is working. Once all the laboratory's seals start decaying due to Andromeda's escape, a five-minute countdown to nuclear destruction is initiated.

>Hall rescues Leavitt from an epileptic seizure, triggered by the flashing red lights of Wildfire's alarm system. Meanwhile, the team realizes that the alien microbe would thrive on the energy of a nuclear explosion and would consequently be transformed into a supercolony that could destroy all life on Earth. Hall races against the laboratory's automated defenses to reach a station where he can disable the nuclear bomb with his key. He endures an attack by automated lasers as he climbs through the laboratory's central core until he finds a working station, disables the bomb, and then collapses.

>Hall awakens in a hospital bed. His colleagues reveal that clouds are being seeded over the Pacific Ocean, which will cause rain to sweep Andromeda from the atmosphere and into alkaline seawater, rendering it harmless. The movie ends with Stone testifying to a U.S. senator that, while they were able to defeat the alien pathogen, they may be unable to do so in the future. The film ends by showing Andromeda dissolving in seawater and then forming the number 601, the Wildfire computer signal for information coming in too fast for the computer to analyze.