Anonymous ID: 9afece The offense just so happens to be offensive such is life June 25, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.9746800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6841


The offense begins.


A suspected criminal had a non typical police incident which is an anomaly that resulted in a fatality at the hands of law enforcement which is a tragedy but again this is a anomaly and should be treated as such. Any life taken by another without good reason is a tragedy this is for certain. I was mistaken in thinking we all had established common sense as a nation and knew what was reasonable and acceptable behavior but we do not. They say almost everywhere it is all about this specific incident. Shouting one too many, I agree, but it is not about that police incident or the next one that happens. What we have here is a pattern of behavior occurring then another pattern of behavior emerging. They are both negative and destructive patterns of behavior by all definition and have absolutely no justification for their actions. You will soon be aware of these distinct patterns. But first here is where we are today and what main problems we face. The patterns will be in the second document.

This began long ago, but as a marker in time or event since his death I have seen the almost the entire african nation in america decide to declare war on everyone in our civilized society in America. And by speculation as casual observation shows they are all in agreement that they are just in their behavior and it is acceptable to them. This is Absolutely Disgusting.

This is an insurrection by exact definition to call it anything else would be a lie exception made for "perpetual riots". Look it up if you like but it states "a violent uprising against an authority or government."

An violent insurrection that was started and is lead by africans and it is against everyone else on the planet that includes you if you are not black. They will force you to submit to them and get on your knees and kiss their asses and give them your money or face the constant threat of violence from rabid black thugs. It has three main targets being police(authority),businesses(economy), the american people(innocent citizens). They are organized,well funded and extremely dangerous. This is serious business and a danger and direct threat to our way of life and everything we hold dear they want to destroy everything we (everyone else) have created. Their true motives remain unknown but can be deduced from observation in full by anyone as causing terror to innocent people by attacking them violently(MURDER), setting fires to businesses and residental properties(BURN), And mass thefts of retail stores and personal property from residental homes and vehicles(LOOT). They call this behavior "peaceful protesting" and that is Absolutely Disgusting choice of words to replace "criminal activity" and clearly from casual observation could not be any further from the truth. They are domestic terrorists by their actions they go out and BURN,LOOT,AND MURDER! I WILL SAY IT AGAIN BLACK PEOPLE ARE BURNING,LOOTING,AND MURDERING WITHOUT FEAR OF PUNISHMENT BY LAW ENFORCEMENT OR THE PEOPLE THEY ARE CHOOSING (HUNTING-Freely choosing and planning to stalk and kill innocent life)TO GO BURN LOOT OR MURDER. The evidence is overwhelming online but you can make a clear distinct observation that the origin of the insurrection is african this is not the work of any other race even though there may be fringe elements that are other than negroid there are idiots of every race and undesirables. It just so happens the majority of our undesirables that are truly undesirable in that they are of no good merits nor educated nor desire to be gainfully employed and a productive member of society. This is a epic problem for the future of the united states of america we have allowed the negroid to take the country hostage and as you witness now black lives matter says their demands must be met or else. This is now a hostage negotiation situation but no one will even look at the problem through and objective lens. The hysteria and propaganda from the news and social media is corrosive and toxic cesspool of horrible half baked half thought out ideas with no direction you see for what they really desire is to destroy western civilization and the nuclear family and install a perverted negroid version of society where the mob rules and everyone kneels for black lives matter. Black Lives Matter is really Burn Loot And Murder I repeat Black Lives Matter is Burning businesses and private property, Looting businesses and homes, and Murdering Innocent American citizens and they are getting away with it. The police have taken the kneel submitting to Burn Loot Murder like some useful idiots.

Anonymous ID: 9afece June 25, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.9746812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6840 >>6841

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We are not idiots we see what is going on they have weaponized the so called peaceful protest which by all means is not peaceful it is burning looting and murdering but it is being called peaceful protest and the government the states and the law enforcement are allowing negroids to destroy anything they desire in the name of black lives. I will tell you right now your black lives have made the biggest mistake for the last time because we have IDENTIFIED the patterns of behavior that continually repeat and destroy our society from every angle. The Negroid is the vilest version of a human being because it believes only it matters and that it is most important above all others it refuses to work together it basically refuses to work at all unless high incentive it has virtually no internal desire to work and complete tasks, hence why you see them playing childrens games all the goddamn time. Yes the negroid has fucked up the best thing it ever had that it never deserved they are a people that make demands when they have no place to demand anything at all the charade has gone on for far too long for my entire life I have watched the negroid race never put in the work, PAY THEIR DUES TO SOCIETY, or accept responsibility for ones own actions not even one EVERY NEGROID I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED REFUSED TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND BEHAVIOR AND WOULD BLAME EVERYTHING ON ANYTHING OR ANYONE OTHER THAN ITSELF. I have watched every race of people pick up extra slack do more than their fair share so that the lazy ungrateful negroid was well cared for without ever having to do any work it thrives miraculously but remains ignorant and lazy. How can this be? How did we ever get to a place where we are allowing people of no merit that are criminal to dictate and make societal decisions. These people have no place making decisions for society until they quit being terrorists and be productive positive members of society. That has not happened yet nor do I believe it ever will they will fight us to the death and refuse to obey any and all laws slowly over time they will do what they are doing now on a much larger scale if we allow this insanity to continue. Lets make one thing cristal clear Black people have started and insurrection by Burning Looting And Murdering the united states of america. We the people will not sit idle by and allow this to continue we will take up arms and use deadly force against a domestic enemy to Quell the insurrection and return our country to a stable state of law and order. There will be no social justice for that is just a code word for mob rule and anarchy. It is very simple if it is not for the rule of law or law enforcement then it clearly can be identified as anarchy by definition sadly not by name. We are losing the war on language they are perverting more and more words everyday giving absurd new definitions for the things of old. These things of old I hold most sacred for I hold the values of my grandfather the old school that built this country and achieved greatness it was them not us we are living in the world they created for us we never built our own we were blessed we did not have to because they were so awesome they built it for us and left us to maintain the creations and we have failed. Look at where we currently are- A bunch of goddamn do nothing negroids are making demands to change a system that they did not build in their image because they believe they are such great creators they can do better than all the other human races and that they are somehow entitled now to EVERYTHING WE HAVE CREATED YET THEY HAVE NO CREATIONS OF THEIR OWN BUT THEY MUST HAVE OURS. FUCK YOU NIGGERS YOU WANT A FUCKING RACE WAR YOU GOT ONE IT WILL BE SHORT AND EXTREMELY VIOLENT FOR WE ARE FIGHTING FOR A WORLD THAT WAS BUILT BY GREAT PEOPLE WHO HAVE MOSTLY ALL PASSED ON BUT THOSE PEOPLE WERE THE GREATEST PEOPLE AND STOOD FOR CHRISTIAN VALUES AND FOUND STRENGTH IN THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST AND NOW WE MUST FIND THE SAME STRENGTH TO FIGHT AGAINST THOSE WHO WISH TO DESTROY OUR FAITH AND SOCIETY BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

This is the first of many works that never should have had to come to be we are paying for the mistakes of our dead ancestors we must take quick action and correct course and DECLARE WE WILL NOT MEET ANY DEMANDS TO ANYONE WHO BURNS LOOTS AND MURDERS AT NIGHT AND SLEEPS ALL DAY AND DEMANDS WE CHANGE OUR WAYS? NO FUCK YOU COMMUNIST BASTARDS YOU CAN MAKE DEMANDS ONCE YOU HAVE BUILT YOUR OWN AND PAID YOUR DUES ON YOUR OWN.

Anonymous ID: 9afece June 25, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.9746815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6841 >>6856

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I will be drafting our list of demands and actions the negroid community must take immediately if we are to continue to live in society together then you must meet our demands because currently you bring nothing of value to the table you are goddamn dead weight setting us all back and holding up human progress with your terrorist demands you do not have imagination nor intellect on your side you have shown what you have to offer and as of right now all I observe is terror and not much else.

It really looks like everyone else in america has some decisions to make about whether or not we want to continue to live in the same society as you and seeing as we created it we are not giving it up nor handing it over, build your own stop trying to change ours.

See all of us races we all get along without trouble it is clear to see now you are the ones causing us the troubles and we are going to confront you we will not hide in our own land nor will we give in to your insane demands,fuck you, ya ignorant fuckers.

Anonymous ID: 9afece June 25, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.9746876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6895

The media outlets are professional paid liars who lie everyday to the american people and promote propaganda and fictional feel good stories far from the actual truth. They mince words try and change definitions to cover up the crimes of the africans or omit data like the race of violent criminals who they are looking for reguarding violent crimes or the nature of what took place aka the real story. I consider them to be accomplices to the criminals because they lie and cover up the truth and fuel hatred amongst the american people. They make their living misinforming you and convincing you of lies distorting your reality from truth. Not acceptable behavior of your fellow man. This is about one group of people setting the country on fire, robbing stores, and murdering people.


That is all they have done since it started is a big crime spree and attack on police and businesses and innocent people.

They are completely and totally unjustified and white people have now allowed this shit to happen so it will be a white person who ends the madness.


NO excuses can be made for arson looting and murder. Now or ever.


We are literally seeing what black america is all about and that is criminal. WE HAVE A PROBLEM we can no longer ignore and that problem is the criminal black american.

They are out of control and they want you to submit to them or pay them. Get on your knees and say black lives matter or else. This is called extortion it is a crime. Big surprise black people committing a crime. The answer is simple. We must defeat the criminal black enterprises and individuals that run rampant in our country. Business is being disrupted. Money is not being made economy cannot occur properly. They are disrupting our way of life,slowly destroying our economy and world image. HOnestly what is not good for our image as a country is having black people on the televison 80% of the time when they are 13% percent of the population of our country. That is a disproportionate rate and has NEGATIVE effects on everything including our own morale. There is a black exhaustion amongst our people we are literally tired of seeing them all the time because that is all hollywood decides to hire for reasons unknown EXCEPT Affirmative Action which in reality should be called FORCED HIRINGS of UNDESIREABLES


Fuck this strong words for strong times

you cannot compare apples and oranges.


You black pieces of shit have destroyed the free ride you had here you never deserved. This will be the end of the BLack Lives Matter movement that got a moment.


In our society we must demand that everyone follow the law without exception and that those do not must be punished and now we must amend that to be removed also. We can remove to remove criminals from our country and i highly suggest we take this unorthodox approach that has been succesful in the past throughout the world. Its how autrailia got started. look it up the british sent prisoners there and removed them from england. We can do this and it is our only nonviolent option. remove the criminals of any color. Just so happens there are more blacks that are criminals than are not. There numbers are so bad when it comes to blacks and crime it makes removing them look good. You can lie all you want until the data is produced and we have the data and it shows the majority of black people are felonious criminals. I need not care why on how they got that way but it was of their own doing. They like making bad choices again not my fault but now its all our problem. And so problems get solved when things get bad and they are bad so here is the first step towards solving the problem. 50 years ago they tried to rehabilitate them it failed and they failed to assimilate also they are breaking our language also.


Black people are officially now a problem for everyone else. What did you expectthey do not even like each other. And they refuse to learn and follow the golden rule. And the golden rule is the basis for all of civilized society. It is our foundation.

i am not smart enough to cure cancer but I am to notice the start of an insurrection. George floyds death was karma for the way he lived his life he was a menace to society by the very definition. Could not have happened to a better guy.