just not seeing Trump with a man bun, nor ever wearing sandals
this meme should say dayshift now
when it first came out muh interpretation was NS was so good one is up all night….but that cat looks shilled now, through the different paradigm ; shit is changing daily….there will be a run on underwear next
digging the digits… but, hey…let us shut down 8ch.net because of some fake manifesto and let folks sell babies on these more upstanding platforms
when Q datefagged with the "you are here"…is this not the last week coming up?
did anyone get into the tracer 1099 pool? heard it was $20+ an hour. … . thinking that if one lives in the complicit governor states of NY, CA, NJ, MI, PA there might be pogroms….er….programs for the "infected" citizens
you could have done that and stayed white in the late 60s.
trips of truth ; folks need to stop complaining and bite the bullet , sell your equities and pay the penalty….whatever ut takes…make the move to the good places before the liberals beat you to it….they are already ruining places that were once solid ; well and septic is half of controlling your own destiny in this "new normal" ; grow food, get critters ; a live spring is preferable, if you can get one
shit fucks you up, mahn
your two pair says he was the bad cop, like when he said he wanted to do the Libya-model on Kim