>>9747447 (lb)
Does anyone really think that removing these relics from our tainted past is going to have the whole "forget history, doomed to repeat it" effect? On the flip side, is it really something of such significance to people that they are emotionally scarred to see them?
Seriously; let's think this through a sec. Who fought to keep those symbols up? Ds. Who fought to keep the confederate flag flying? People who sympathized with the cause of the confederacy. Put your thinking caps on a sec, and think about the ramifications of this. Folks taking the "if you erase history, you're doomed to repeat it" obviously are poor studies of history, and have never spent a semester at any school south of the Mason-Dixon (go ahead, look it up).
People still argue over the Civil War's root cause like there was anything to consider outside of slavery. That is, until you actually look into it a bit harder than your 8th grade GA History book, and 10th grade US History books. The North was an aggressor from the outset. The South fought against it relentlessly (despite the root issue being $$$; which had some overlap with slavery, sure). The North started the war, illegally at that. By that time, the constitutional right to secede had already been executed by a few states. At this point in time, the Confederacy was fighting off a foreign invader, The Union.
There's a metric fuck ton of hypocrisy being ignored by many voices over all this, and very little actual conversation happening; almost like it's discouraged. If people that are calling the shots, up there, want to keep some of these things around, then let's setup some museums and tell the full 99% hospital truth about it all. Unfortunately, that'd be a disaster for the movement, and political suicide (think black vote) if done from the podium.
Personally, I'm for removing them because they don't belong in a Patriot's USA. A Patriot's USA would, as I've said, set up some museums and replaced these symbols. These symbols represented the cabal's stranglehold over the South and open aggression towards the United States. Not trying to sound accusatory, but it's almost duplicitous in how the subject matter is being approached, here.
It's really convenient that all that's being allowed to happen across certain areas of the country is for "show and tell", but as soon as anything is challenged from an historical standpoint re: narratives, it's dismissed as poppycock (or not even responded to in the slightest). Think! Besides the struggle to provide a real strategic reason for allowing the COVID-19, this very subject is a head-scratcher for anyone that bothered to look into what Sherman thought of American Indians, or why General Lee was a reluctant participant in the war at all, or Lincoln's numerous positions regarding preserving the union (with or without slavery).
Q should endorse the removal of these statues/symbols. They aren't patriotic! But since it's being done in the manner in which it's being done, it's wrong (doomed to repeat, etc.). However, no one seems to raise the question of how this is a mutually beneficial situation for BLM and Patriots/the Plan (it is). As a matter of fact, it's a strategic "olive branch" to those currently "lost" in the BLM movement allowing these things to be removed (think long game). When all is done, and the relics are gone, and @POTUS is elected again, he'll have a way to show them all these things were allowed to happen as they didn't need to be a part of today's patriotic USA anymore. Notice that @POTUS got involved when they started taking down Lincolns and Jeffersons…
Nobody is afraid of @POTUS not winning reelection. The elections are secured; we've already been given reassurance of this. When all these hurtful representations of our sordid past of slavery are finally removed, and @POTUS is reelected, it's a two-for. Sure, sentiment is drummed up for those sympathetic to their removal with a couple of drops, but in the end, everyone knew these symbols were coming down, eventually.
The shock and awe over this is nearly as entertaining as it is revealing. I'll say it again:
The Confederacy represented the cabal; plain and simple. As soon as the South was in a headlock, the cabal morphed full swing into infiltration of the USA proper. It's how we ended up where we are, currently.