He'll never live it down. Kek
Barr has over 500 investigations going on as regards the violence. How many of these children do you think will sacrifice their lives for Soros when information they have will buy them a slap on the wrist?
Take out Obama's civilian army and they got nothing.
No. Hussein is probably wishing his army was made up of fewer teenage white chicks and soy boys and more men.
Plus a lot of the parents will bitch slap their kids and make them talk to keep them out of prison.
July 4th week next week, anon. Seems like a perfect time. Remember the POTUS Independence Day speech meme?
I only watch clips now and then so i couldn't say. But I'm sure it would have been all over this board if he did.
>Carter I have no idea what they had if anything
Easily controlled. Completely inept or easily sabotaged. The gas crisis (maybe an attempt to destroy the country way back then). Then the Iranian crap and Delta Force.
>How are the Bernie bros coping these days?
Assuming tht a lot of the antifa fags are Bernie Bros, they were advocating for voting for third party candidates tonight. So, they not doing so well.
He could have been a nice guy who tried and failed. But, he has been inserting his "wisdom" into a lot of the left's goals since he was ousted. So leftist at heart.
Let all of the leftists go to the west coast, erect a wall along CA, OR, and WA, then wait for nature to create a nice beach front in Arizona, Nevada, and Idaho. Problem solved. Bonus: No more Hollywood.