Anonymous ID: 65842e June 25, 2020, 10:26 p.m. No.9751310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1334

The media outlets are professional paid liars who lie everyday to the american people and promote propaganda and fictional feel good stories far from the actual truth. They mince words try and change definitions to cover up the crimes of the africans or omit data like the race of violent criminals who they are looking for reguarding violent crimes or the nature of what took place aka the real story. I consider them to be accomplices to the criminals because they lie and cover up the truth and fuel hatred amongst the american people. They make their living misinforming you and convincing you of lies distorting your reality from truth. Not acceptable behavior of your fellow man. This is about one group of people setting the country on fire, robbing stores, and murdering people.


That is all they have done since it started is a big crime spree and attack on police and businesses and innocent people.

They are completely and totally unjustified and white people have now allowed this shit to happen so it will be a white person who ends the madness.


NO excuses can be made for arson looting and murder. Now or ever.


We are literally seeing what black america is all about and that is criminal. WE HAVE A PROBLEM we can no longer ignore and that problem is the criminal black american.

They are out of control and they want you to submit to them or pay them. Get on your knees and say black lives matter or else. This is called extortion it is a crime. Big surprise black people committing a crime. The answer is simple. We must defeat the criminal black enterprises and individuals that run rampant in our country. Business is being disrupted. Money is not being made economy cannot occur properly. They are disrupting our way of life,slowly destroying our economy and world image. HOnestly what is not good for our image as a country is having black people on the televison 80% of the time when they are 13% percent of the population of our country. That is a disproportionate rate and has NEGATIVE effects on everything including our own morale. There is a black exhaustion amongst our people we are literally tired of seeing them all the time because that is all hollywood decides to hire for reasons unknown EXCEPT Affirmative Action which in reality should be called FORCED HIRINGS of UNDESIREABLES


Fuck this strong words for strong times

you cannot compare apples and oranges.


You black pieces of shit have destroyed the free ride you had here you never deserved. This will be the end of the BLack Lives Matter movement that got a moment.


In our society we must demand that everyone follow the law without exception and that those do not must be punished and now we must amend that to be removed also. We can remove to remove criminals from our country and i highly suggest we take this unorthodox approach that has been succesful in the past throughout the world. Its how autrailia got started. look it up the british sent prisoners there and removed them from england. We can do this and it is our only nonviolent option. remove the criminals of any color. Just so happens there are more blacks that are criminals than are not. There numbers are so bad when it comes to blacks and crime it makes removing them look good. You can lie all you want until the data is produced and we have the data and it shows the majority of black people are felonious criminals. I need not care why on how they got that way but it was of their own doing. They like making bad choices again not my fault but now its all our problem. And so problems get solved when things get bad and they are bad so here is the first step towards solving the problem. 50 years ago they tried to rehabilitate them it failed and they failed to assimilate also they are breaking our language also.


Black people are officially now a problem for everyone else. What did you expectthey do not even like each other. And they refuse to learn and follow the golden rule. And the golden rule is the basis for all of civilized society. It is our foundation.

i am not smart enough to cure cancer but I am to notice the start of an insurrection. George floyds death was karma for the way he lived his life he was a menace to society by the very definition. Could not have happened to a better guy.

Anonymous ID: 65842e June 25, 2020, 10:35 p.m. No.9751394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


See this anon right here has the proofs told you niggers are domestic terrorists but you dont wanna believe in tyrone he iz a gud boi he dindu nuffin no neva