Anonymous ID: 6837e9 April 9, 2018, 6:31 p.m. No.975562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm thinking about this fire carefully.


  1. It is suspicious that Cohen knew about the fire to be able to warn Shields. He needs to be asked how did he know. It might be totally innocent like his office is below the apartment on fire and he saw glass falling past his window but his friend is on the other side.


  1. Dennis Shields who I presume is the banker, may be worth digging. But there is no reason to think he is involved in anything illegal at this point. But who knows what comes up through digging. And if he is lifelong friends with Cohen it may find something that we need to dig with Cohen. Or he may be completely innocent.


  1. And then there is the one thing that is clearly and blatantly criminal. Not the fire, because these things can happen, especially with elderly people. Not that the apartment resident died because these things can happen, especially with elderly people. The smoking gun, quite literally, is the smell of sulfur. This can only happen if someone burns something that should never be burned in an apartment in the quantity to create a smell. This indicates that the fire was set, which suggests that fire inspectors need to be asked how they explain that evidence. They cannot get away with saying, we saw nothing suspicious. There is enough evidence to do a forensic inspection. And if the fire in any way caused the death of the art dealer, there is a reason to to a full murder investigation. The police must be asked what they are doing about this. I know that 1PP can't give out details, but they need to at least confirm, yes this is a suspicious death and we are treating it as a murder investigation. Same for the fire department. The NYC newpaper of record has a witness statement that demands proper criminal investigations.

Anonymous ID: 6837e9 April 9, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.975793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5814 >>5842




A missile is fired from there which downs MH17 in July 2014.

@ and 1/2 years later McCain and Graham visit a command center near the front lines. presumably in Mariupol shown on the map.


Is there a connection?

Anonymous ID: 6837e9 April 9, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.976016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6064




Only thing is that this info is not new. It was widely discussed in Russian language media in the week following the MH17 shootdown. I even remember seeing a TV interview with a village who sa the missile fly overhead.


And the whole issue of whose territory the launch happened from is complicated by the fact that the rebels only really held towns and villages at that time, Country roads were pretty much only controlled sporadically and there are lots of tracks between fields that were not even controlled by roadblocks until much later in the war.


These were a ragtag band of rebels and their successes were due to the fact that they lived a hard life and were tough people. The people in the military were robbing the government budget left and right, and people paid to get a military job because it was a ticket to the easy life. So corrupt army against pissed off workers? The worker rebels won because they could last longer in a hard fight.


But they did not have sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons. Just the mujahideen style shoulder launchers that work below 10,000 feet.