For three years Trump has stated that they spied on him, that they set him up and for three years the media and the opposing side has called our POTUS everyting in the book, proposed to have hi killed by entertainers, had everything about his mental acuity, his physical fitness and his character smashed over and over and the we find out that they lied and lied and lied. Well guess Q and Q+ and yes even Beloved POTUS I am not "ENJOYING THE FUCKING SHOW ANYMORE", this is wrong for us nobodies, the Americans who tell the truth everyday, pay our taxes, take care of our kids, our parents, practice love and kindness everyday because of the Lord's love for us but now I am ready for a fight, I have no idea right now what that means and I do not care, I have no fear anymore I am ready to get totally involved and if it means death then ok but I will not stand by anymore and watch this evil shit going on and on. There comes a time where "Enjoy the show" stops working Q and people will rise up, you must know this so if you are what we think you are, get it moving and fast… heart and soul cannot sit quietly anymore….my son who is disabled had a dream about a man and dog with vicious teeth chasing him last night….he is the most innocent docile person with the most giving spirit I know and this dream is prophetic in this spiritual war we are now in……I am ready to fight but we need to expose all the lies and evil acts now……
Sorry for the long rant just tired of the evil really really tired……I want to fight back once and for all.