Dear Q, Q+, Prime Source Creator, Thoth, Marduk, Enlil, Enki, whoever the hell you are, I have been following since day 1. I was fine till the MASK BULL SHIT. I know for a FACT, being in the medical field since 1986 that wearing one for more than a bit is DANGEROUS. O2 levels sink IMMEDIATELY when you put it on. So now I can not do my job. I take care of DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED SENIORS. I REFUSE to go anywhere that REQUIRES a mask. No food shopping, no fun for these poor people. We will sit in the house and do nothing till this NAZI time passes. It would not be so bad if it were not 100+ degrees outside and CHEMTRAILS covering the sky so much that there is a haze of BARIUM an ALUMINUM across the land. My goat just went down from the heat, and she's in the shade. Is THIS PLAN to keep us QUIET while you exterminate us? Just wondering. Cuomo killed my mother, and the State of NY will not even give me her death certificate. What the HELL is going on…. my normally high vibrational state of mind is leaving me fast….it is so hard to LOVE SHEEPLE… I am getting to the point that I can't stand looking at their covered faces… ZOMBIES. I am so sick of all this. I think those awake now are it… stretching all this shit out, is not helping save this planet. Please at least let it rain in CENTRAL FLORIDA… I know you control that. Thanks and May the PRIME SOURCE CREATOR give all their KARMA IMMEDIATELY!