This is why you brainlets get patronized so often.
Firstly, you think this is an appropriate conversation here…
Secondly, you're arguing over rhetoric concocted by people you've never met, despite never taking it upon yourself to even learn what [they] believe.
If you'd learned what they believe, gone our and figured out what they don't want you to believe and bounced those ideas around some, you'd know full well what sorts of things you aren't supposed to talk about and therefore subscribe to.
It's as easy as throwing things against the wall until you have alarming pushback, mind you.
We have no room for lazy people like you who think because they've read one book and gone to a big building where everyone talks and looks the same, that they've figured this ruse out.
You haven't.
You're not even close.
Now go and learn, then come back to us with constructive insight.