Anonymous ID: 13f8bb June 26, 2020, 2:30 p.m. No.9758430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, My support for Trump grows unfortunately weary. It is difficult to watch these events unfold, while Trump does what amounts to basically nothing (publicly visible). For many of us, we are not on these boards because you post here. You posted here because you knew /we/ would find you. Before all of this, we already knew everything. Maybe not the boring as fuck details, like this particular saudinigger sent this bad email to this faggotpol. We saw the moral degradation of the country. We saw the indoctrination in schools. The corruption in politics. The painfully fucking obvious hidden hand in our government. Our selling out to China and the grotesque consumerism infecting us. The padlocking of scientific discoveries and the obfuscation of our history. The erosion of God. The news is fake, our food is fake, our entertainment is coercive and suggestive mind control, our hospitals are run like some kind of fucking casino, our kids are attacked with easily accessible fucked up porn before they even experience their first adult thoughts of reality and the word. I mean holy fuck, all of it. All of it.


I can't speak for other anons, but the part of my mind that alerted me to the faults of this world previously, feels itchy looking at what's happening now.


I trust the plan, but that's all it is, is trust. It's bordering on blind faith, and that makes me question. I don't mean to concern troll, but I hope you can understand the skepticism some of us are battling with. Even the taking the Oath shit seems weird to me. It's an insult, where the fuck do you think we've been?


I remind my self of all the glorious proofs over the past 3 years to kindle motivation, but even so. Where is the line between patience for a Biblical plan, and pacification from idolatry.