I'd like to get other anons opinions on Albert Pike….I'm only interested because POTUS wants to preserve his statue….before I digest anymore of Morals and Dogma, I was wondering if it is even worth reading…..Pike was for sure a Luciferian, so I don't trust him anyways, plus a Confederate, but he has some good things to say….anybody have any insight into what was going on with this guy? Is Masonry really just a path to satanism and pedovore lifestyle or was/is Masonry made up of good people but was hi-jacked? Thank you in advanced!
Yep I have masons in family who never even brought it up….great people…..there is a lot of interesting info in Morals and Dogmas relating to history of religion, kaballah, etc…you couldn't pay me to join any club, organization, or society at this point….all are suspect until swamp is drained IMO
Thank you! Both Bevel and LaRouche were terrible people…….trying to paint Pike with the KKK is a sign to me that maybe Pike was a good guy…