Anonymous ID: 86736a June 26, 2020, 3 p.m. No.9758753   🗄️.is 🔗kun



First question I always ask anyone interested is "How many building collapsed on 911?" and go from there. Wikileaks/Hillary emails would also be a good starting point for the pizzagate stuff. Dominos on cheese or pasta/sacrificing a chicken to moloch/left a map etc etc. Celeb tweets are also a gentle slope in Gunn/Wilson/Fonda etc. Chelsea wedding Haiti/etc things that normal people can actually see for themselves


Bite size - "but what if it is all connected?" I wouldn't jump into the whole "World run by psycho pedos" straight away.


>I have two weeks to prepare.

Make some graphics or learn sign language. Graphics are probably easier - or get you wife to interpret.