Aren't these the same Governors who are pushing the mask wearing agenda? What happens when people start getting sick from being forced by their employers to wear a mask and the mask is responsible for a bacterial infection in their lungs? Will Governors & Mayors be held responsible for making people become sick from being forced to wear a mask?
This is what I've been thinking about.
Could these masks that people are being forced to wear actually make people sick?
I'm kind of a germaphobe and am always afraid of things getting contaminated.
These masks to me are germ factories.
Because we don't want to go to jail or have to deal with a $500 or $1000 fine, or fight with a store clerk about wearing a damn mask.
No one wants to die on Mask Hill.
Soon, stores will make it so people can't shop there unless they have proof of having had a COVID vaccine.
Maybe then anons will begin to fight back.