You've got a lot of things right IMO, only there are lots of traces of dirt on Mueller which are hard to ignore (U1 where he played a capital role IIRC).
He might well be one of the blackmailed or threatened ones. Fact is we don't know.
What we do know is that misinfo is necessary, that the cloak and dagger game is played with lots of intrigue, smoke and mirrors as should be.
This way it probably happens once in a while that we are spot on in our analysis without as much a sign from Q because the opps can't be comped.
We know too this whole campaign has been in the making for years and has been scripted minutely, even if there will be last minute changes or some impro from time to time.
I have often this definite chess-play feel about it all: every piece is useful but expendable, depending on situation, goal, context, tactic, strategy. All the while spinning a narrative spiked with ruse and all tricks in the (Sun Tsu's) book.
I thoroughly enjoy the show and think it is an outstanding performance. The seat I have here is the best place I ever had for assisting such performance.
Picture me thrilled.