Anonymous ID: 1e924f June 26, 2020, 10:26 p.m. No.9763644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my coworker parked in the lot at the base of tower 2, right next to the tiny greek church. the invisible plane you speak of flew over his head, he heard a loud roar. and saw it slam into the building. he falls to the ground and when he gets up all the windows are blown out of all the cars in the parkinglot.


If a missile hit the WTC on its side it would have passed thru the whole building and blew a hole in the side at the angle it hit. The main support of the WTC was in its center. The plane hits, smashes into small pieces, and all the jet fuel ignites and creates a huge fireball. Many people in the 10 floors above that explosion survived the initial impact. All the jet fuel traveled forward and up. a small amount of it traveled down. Also, alot of the plane that came out the other side ended up in the WTC plaza. but this was only visible until Tower 2 came down.


the plane was guided to hit that spot by a beacon. or with gps. no way a pilot who could barely land was able to do 550 mph and hit that building.

Anonymous ID: 1e924f June 26, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.9763687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3690 >>3695


pilot groups agree a rookie pilot could not pull that manuveur. Not that a plane did not hit the tower. All the engineers argue the planes did not take the towers down. controlled explosions took them down. explosions at the base of tower 1.


Th official story is bullshit. But planes hit that building and the pentagon.


You morans argue the how and no one gets to the why.


240 Billion in russian options. for starters. Evidence on Enron and Worldcom. lots of other stuff. but focus on the missile and the wu-rat, C.I. crew.


You are like the campers at city hall saying "we are occupy wall street, we need change".


be a little more vauge.

Anonymous ID: 1e924f June 26, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.9763754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3771 >>3790


>The whole thing is absurd anyway because the aluminum wings could not cut through the steel and concrete.


a plane doing 550 MPH could not go thru 4 inches of steel and glass? The concrete was in the middle core. Go look at a plane. the size of it. Picture that thing going 550 mpm.


then go outside, strip naked, hope the wall into palestine and yell to everyone you see.. "I AM SORRY FOR STEALING YOUR LAND!!!!!"


E-Team was Gelatin Art Project. bullshit.