and everyone who's had a cold in the past 7 yrs or so will also test positive. OMG, we need to lockdown, AGAIN.
and everyone who's had a cold in the past 7 yrs or so will also test positive. OMG, we need to lockdown, AGAIN.
>>9763717 pb (me)
>>9763758 pb
>>9763792 pb
>>9763799 pb
>>9763801 pb
well, if i were to actually believe anon who claims to be a volunteer firefighter, i would congratulate him. then i'd ask, btw, that firetruck you're riding on… did YOU buy it? and the firehouse where it's kept… you pay for that, too? or are those things paid for with tax dollars? and in case you don't know, jethro, in larger cities, firefighters ARE full time employees of the gov't.
but things were NOT always that way. ONCE upon a time, fire companies were just that, PRIVATE COMPANIES. that's were the name COMES from, jethro. they were privately owned, FOR-PROFIT companies. and at some point, people realized that having private, for-profit companies fighting fires was a BAD IDEA, because they demanded outrageous fees for their services during crisis situations when people didn't have the luxury of bargaining or comparison shopping. in fact, they were even caught SETTING fires, just so they could get paid to put them out. imagine that. so you know what happened? i'll tell you, in case you DON'T have an imagination. the people decided that GOV'T (of the people, by the people, and FOR the people) needed to be in charge of firefighting. and privately owned, for-profit fire companies became a thing of the past. but NOT without a bunch of triggered ASSHOLES running around screaming "socialism."
now, if all the triggered assholes would get their head out of their ass long enough to get some oxygen to their brain, they'll be able to make the conceptual leap necessary to understand that the exact same reasons apply to medicine. for YOUR safety and well-being, it absolutely needs to be a gov't function, just like police and firefighting, and many other essential services you use every day without once realizing that they are the very DEFINITION of socialism.
and last i checked, being a volunteer firefighter, while a NOBLE avocation, hardly qualifies someone as an expert on medicine, big pharma, and the healthcare system, or as DDE might have called it, "the medical/financial complex." on the other hand, i've spent a lifetime working in big pharma, AND academic research, and i've seen the inner workings of the beast up close and personal, and i AM qualified to discuss it's evils, and understand the steps necessary to cure those evils. i'm not talking about obamacare (the greatest ripoff in history) or gov't insurance to pay the exorbitant fees of drs and prices set by monopolistic big pharma (robbing peter to pay paul). i'm talking about taking the power to price-gouge people in their moment of critical need away from greedy soulless corporations and letting the PEOPLE (thru their gov't) exert control over their own healthcare options. hell, we might even have gotten a cure for cancer BEFORE we get a boner pill. imagine that.
oh, wait, i forgot, some of you HAVE NO imagination. SMH.