I said the North side of the South Tower
That was what it was.
That 's a cruising speed We're talking sea level.
Isn't cruising speed ~10K ft?
>>9763754 pb
muh jew for the cover up
Who knew
How surprising.
>>9763477 pb
That clip is doctored / red herring
There's a million "I was there-ers I spent a lot of time interviewing people and believe it or not people are that suggestible. No one , Not one person was a good witness.
How neighborhoods in the immediate vicinity were canvased. Strangely you couldn't find a actual good witness.
Everybody knew somebody. not just somebody but hundreds of people who saw it. Guess what, you could never fine 'em. If you tracked them down it disappeared like a mirage.
It's often "my next door neighborr, "my brother, my friend.
and of course, don't ask questions because you will upset the families.
There were several tricks they used to shut up people; and of course just the straight out shill liars.
Maybe people felt very comforatable lying about it, because they were certain it happened, so how would anyone ever know they were lying?
And then you find out that where they were standing they couldn't have seen it.
Then the people who thought they saw it but thinking back realized all they saw was an explosion.
Then the eye doctor I interviewed who was a research scientist of many years in the field of the study of vision, who explained exactly to me how or how not a person could actually see something going that fast
I usually don't talk about that because I don't want to tip off potential witnesses.
Along with this subject is how most people have little idea how to question a witness.
For instance, The person says. "I saw the plane"
"Oh ok you saw the plane"
and that's they end of story
No it's not.
Where were you standing?
I interviewed a lawyer who understood where I was going with it and refused to answer. And got really angry.
Another lawyer laughed about it - that there was no plane and from where he was standing there should have been.
Also that he did not hear it and should have.
I wasn't even sure I believed that because I believed there were fly overs at the time, but he stuck to his story after pretty intense questioning.
It 's also just a physical fact that two things can not be in the same space at the same time.
So if you look at the videos frame by frame....?
And forensic evidence has more weight than what people think they saw.
Everyone did see it, of course, ON TV
And most people cant distinguish the memory - of where it came from.
That's why they all think Trump is evil. They saw it and heard it with their own eyes.
This is the extent of the mind control
And that's why I fully appreciate the Trump hate and how insane it is and how based on fantasy and suggestion it is...
Since I've known from studying the plane issue how fooled most people are
>>9763800 pb
Ifj you don't like the slide go back to your fucking soft porn and shit posting