First of all, thanks to all the Anons and patriots out there posting encouraging things about businesses opening up, people going out without masks, things relaxing and going back to normal. That's great, I'm really encouraged by hearing it! I think it's important for people out there to understand how it's going in other areas, though.
Some things that have happened thus far in my area:
people literally run from me in the parking lot when they see I'm not wearing a mask
someone pulled a knife on someone else at the post office for not "social distancing" and/or not wearing a mask
an employee at a store ran up into my face screaming at the start of lockdown, for not wearing a mask
people have been spotted going to stores in full PPE (booties, gloves, and masks)
This might sound par for the course in some liberal city. But, I live in a rural, conservative-leaning area in an otherwise liberal state. People wave to you when driving by in their car. They stop to chat with you if they see you out walking. Your kids go to school together with the neighbor's kids and grow up riding bikes together. This is "Little House on the Prairie" country. None of what I listed above is even remotely normal. Friendly, warm people have turned into paranoid maniacs virtually overnight. The atmosphere is tense and you can feel the danger of just going to get your mail if you're not wearing a mask (some people decide not to, but others cannot wear them due to medical reasons and that is covered by our liberal governor's EO).
In terms of elections, we had a local one and I got sent two ballots with two different names on them (one was in my name). I contacted the local board about it and they didn't even bother responding to me.
We're still largely closed down here, even though there haven't been that many deaths.
I hope this isn't happening in other areas, but it's pretty bad here. People are really getting psychologically damaged and moving towards violence more and more every day. Thankfully nobody got stabbed, but those aren't even words I thought I'd ever write in regards to the area I live in.
Pray for Anons in areas like mine.