so Parler is privately owned and we don't know who is going to benefit when anons help it to become bigger than twatter?
I would think anons would require a little more transparency before asking to hop into bed naked without a condom.
so Parler is privately owned and we don't know who is going to benefit when anons help it to become bigger than twatter?
I would think anons would require a little more transparency before asking to hop into bed naked without a condom.
>272 uniformed NYPD cops file for retirement after George Floyd death
what they may appreciate the most is not having to do that commute from Suffolk and Nassau Counties.
the democrat model is that the leaders say do this, and they do it.
the republican model should be less about the leaders endorsing Parler, and more about providing us with tranparency, information, and sauce to make our own decisions.
of any of the conservative leaders that have endorsed Parler (in any way)
do any of them have a financial stake in Parler?
there's something fishy about those suspenders
I'm not jerking off to the first derivative of the function.
Where we are right now is no where close to where our Founding Parents wanted us.
The 4th amendment has basically been gutted, and unter DJT this has continued.
We do not have a sound currency
anon has to "register" to purchase a new firearm
more people in prison per capita and gross in usa than practically anywhere else
civil asset forfeitureโฆ what? what is that?
>left is not in control
the people should be in control. I don't want the left OR THE RIGHT "in control"
Land of the Free.
Fake patriot.
>Do you really want an oximeter made in China?
if it's cheaper and does the job, yes.
but if it is made by child slave labor i don't want it anymore.
fair enough, maybe you can restate my points without the crudeness, which everyone knows is not a part of chan culture AT ALL
filter away, snowflake
or just build an alternative to Twatter.
get a few celebrity conservative endorsements
and anons will follow like sheep
thanks to the current Administration, I can carry a firearm and travel freely anywhere in the USA. I no longer lose my 2nd Amendment right by traveling to another state or city.
thanks to the current administration, civil asset forfeiture has been stamped out. Police are funded by taxes, not by the fines and oppression of the people they serve.
oh, and the Fed can now buy corporate debt, which at some point will lead to the Fed owning equity in private companies So that's a cool deregulation.
>Go back to plebbit, you low IQ worthless shill.
or you could give a reasoned opposite interpretation of the facts I put forth.
I am so sorry to be crude on a chan, but have you ever heard the phrase "circle jerk"?
could such a phrase be related to the way that you conduct yourself here?
Again, sorry for the crudeness, snowflake.