Feelz bad for Gary Coleman
he might rest well knowing ron jeremy is in jail, bail set at 8.6MM and no one is showing up to support the nigger rapist
Feelz bad for Gary Coleman
he might rest well knowing ron jeremy is in jail, bail set at 8.6MM and no one is showing up to support the nigger rapist
….has anyone considered pen placements might be coordinated to the 11.3 rather than just simply a date
Catherine's drops sho give me that spoopy feeling
looks moar like p00 p00 is wearing joy, no blood – reid's tampon
YOU say i'm a conspiracy therorist
I say u are a co-CONSPIRATOR
neophyte world order
fuck you pos wannabe tv star no one can stand your pos show cuban no madda how hard you fucking try – shit undercover boss blows you through the roof
and you tink people want you as POTUS ← loser dreamer bidenwhisperer
cuban like chrissy wallace jumping into every show cus no one watches thars
and no juan – youre loucky they dont can you off the FIVE