agree, here a connection is made between anti depressants and possesion, around 50 min and forward
this is the awakening required to revert the scheme of the synagogue of satan, coming to that point, it no longer matter if humanity goes to hell, we won't join them
extrapolate that thought
they have hi-jacked our languages and other types of communications and infused them with their low energy of demonic vibrations
in veda they are called daityas and danavas, demons expert in technology and magic
connect with God and their illusions will disappear
they are lazy and paranoid, bet alot of their time is spent on spying on each other
free will, one of the beautiful things of the creation, another is time
time is what will kill you, therefore time represents the Lord
for satanists the Lord is a construct
who do you think run wl and for what purpose