Anonymous ID: b39dd3 June 29, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.9789882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9978 >>0027 >>0031

Honey catches more flies than vinegar.


If someone harbors underlying feelings of contempt for their team mates, they cannot really disguise it. It seeps out in things they say and do. People notice.


There is no place for contempt or disrespect for team members within a squad.


We have a common enemy, and it isn't one another.

Anonymous ID: b39dd3 June 30, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.9804575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4597 >>4674


Then you got poor Memefarmer.

Stuck in that role because they saw it as essential early on and started doing it.

Became somewhat indispensible to anons.

Became stuck in the role.

Nobody wants to do what Memefarmer does.

The harvesting. The reformatting. The archiving. The endless posting and uploading.

Memefarmer has tried to recruit help multiple times and it doesn't work. The only anon who would help (Thank God for them) was an anon with inadequate bandwidth. The task was not something their hardware could support.

Anonymous ID: b39dd3 June 30, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.9804815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4852 >>4864 >>4885



I'm here. I'm watching this bread in case you guys need help. Watching to see if grass-roots organization can work. Giving a few nudges from time to time. Someone gave me some templates for a project post-mortem. Doesn't exactly fit this situation but is anybody interested in seeing them anyhow?

Anonymous ID: b39dd3 June 30, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.9804907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954 >>6230


They don't exactly fit this kind of a team, but good mental checklist of questions to ask ourselves after an Op.

The post-mortem will be a good time for meta thoughts, improving recruitment and organization, systematizing what worked, fixing what didn't.


>>9804864 Not a project of mine. Something someone gave me that might be useful, is all.


This "practice op" was really useful wasn't it? The team here has its act together more than most on QR. So many are just hypnotized grazing at the stream of data going by, either waiting for Q to "do something" or waiting for that "one piece of data" that will stand out above all others and inspire action.


This group is MAKING IT HAPPEN.

You are an incubator for how these things can work in the future.

I salute all of you.

Anonymous ID: b39dd3 June 30, 2020, 3:48 p.m. No.9805004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6230 >>9001




Yeah, thanks all.

Creative anon needs freedom to be creative not tied down to a grinding clerical task. Creative anon memefags when not ground down too much. Creative anon has writefag abilities which I think are coming into play a lot more, sooner than anybody thinks. We will need everybody who can write, writing what they see and understand. How are we going to replace the MSM if we don't step up and actually start doing the jobs of



Investigative Journalist

Editorial Writer

Video producer

Podcast producer


etc. etc. etc.?


So I am trying to "clear the decks" to make space for upcoming new tasks that appear to be high priority.


Have documented some of the tools and techniques of meming in

The Tao of Memes



A manager once told me, don't make yourself indispensible. That was good advice. For software people, it means documenting your code well enough that you can leave and others can take over. I do not want to be the indispensible anon.


Thanks for listening. I'm not bitchin, just saying how it is.

Anonymous ID: b39dd3 June 30, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.9805015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5040 >>6889


>Your work is VERY important, meme farmer!

Yes. Saw from the beginning that have a huge repository of creative collateral that carries our ideas outside of the board would be essential, even critical, going forward.

But we're going to branch out beyond memes IMO.