Kimmel fell from the Trump Curse. Well-deserved and good riddance.
Did Grassley campaign for Trump in 2016? I don't recall that.
She sent a few coordinating-type emails during the transition. Yawn. It's not as if 20 of our Chinese spies died because if it.
Kimmel's a sell-out and a scumbag. Good riddance.
Biden is already a dribbling fool and a dunce. By the time of the first debate in 3 months, he'll be incoherent. Dementia is progressive and moves fairly quickly. /They/ will need a another cantidate at the convention.
So Q has no salary? Bullshit.
I hear there is a national movement to defund the masons.
Niggers are stupid, uneducated, and unaccomplished and the more society listens to these degenerates, the more fucked-up trash it will become.
This should have a good effect, it will take a while to show. More important is to get rid of all the libtards in govt and shrink govt in that way.
/They/ have been definitely trying to crash the stock market for months now and /they/ have succeeded at times. The volatility is unprecedented, it's crazy, like a whole year's worth every month. Lock 'em up!
All the cotton they picked was made into clothing that wore out a long time ago, before anybody alive was even born.
Part of the corona scam is the massive amounts of money changing hands on vaccine stocks. There have been about a dozen stocks so far that have flown through the roof.