Except black. There is not a lick of African American in her.
Anon is right. Graham gets the subpoena power, and then it'll be Grassley's turn to run the gauntlet on them.
Anons remember doing this with the clock?
I tried snipping the images and uploading into iqdb. I'm coming up with NOTHING on either image. Strange; I was able to find that clock and report a tip in minutes. These aren't giving me anything.
This anon missed out on Q drops, taking a break last night, and now I'm regretting it. Always end up missing a bit of context when that happens.
3 seconds can make all the difference, sometimes! I find it funny that Q even pointed it out that it was Dan's fault, considering it was probably Dan that posted that himself. Sort of like the self-degradating humor, ya know? Sounds like something I'd do, lol.
It's a slide, but:
Doesn't matter if Q monitors this board and knows us all. Even if they are shilling, the posted image is one of the very few valid arguments for medical intervention.
Your tightly held personal religious beliefs have zero jurisdiction over a person in that situation. In the end, the only retort you'll have is "prove it was the product of the rape by trial". By that point, it'll nearly be 3rd trimester So essentially, everyone that is vehemently anti-abortion (a stance I sympathize with, btw) is willing to put the bodies of every female victim of rape at stake over an absolutist stance on the subject. That's plain stupid.
I'm sorry, but if you can't figure out how that's unacceptable, yet, you were born 4000 years too late. If you can't figure out that a woman should have a choice in who her offspring will be, then you are firmly in the camp of women being property.
Worded another way, criminals/rapist should not get precedent in the area of reproduction in any law abiding society.
Well, that uniform suits you well, then. And, no; I'm not a female 6th wave ultra feminist.
Hang in there. Justice moves very slowly in USA when done correctly. Just keep in mind that the corruption is everywhere. Not just in USA (where it is particularly bad, mind you). It's EVERYWHERE.