needs to go back to shill school
this is the dream
they think they are the court of public opinion
but they are inside an echo chamber
not to mention the hypocrisy: Holder was openly, proudly, Obama's wingman
oh well what else is new
this was very mild criticism, imo
G just wanted him to articulate a vision for the second term
political theater
scared, real scared
it's called voting
I am getting angry again and I was trying not to get angry again!
dems too incompetent to pull off re-education camps, but if they win it will surely be a shit-show of some kind
they gonna be tryin'
I have degree(s) and I agree!
College taught me little of practical value. I wanted to go mostly to satisfy curiosity. I would not do it at today's prices under a threat of debt.
the internet has been a true revolution. no wonder they want to stuff it back in the bottle
it never occurs to them it could have an effect opposite of what they intend
lookit, itsa pussy
good one, shill. report to the break room for your cupcake:
stokes fear while saying 'it's not about stoking fear'
tanks fo' da meme-ories