The Cleveland syndicate stayed out of the papers, one exception when "Moe Davis" aka Moe Dalitz (moe Greene in movie) was charged with minor offense.
"Hyman Roth" in the movie was Meyer Lansky in real life.
Dalitz and Lansky were both on the national commision which coordinated the various territorial based OC elements - famously ruling Las Vegas an "open city" so that all regional outfits could eat whatever they could buy or build.
Hank Messick was at the time the ONLY uncomped journalist reporting on the mob. You can read his book on the Cleveland syndicate here. OCs untaxed earnings coming out of prohibition led to their investment in, and control of multiple legitimate industries.
At the time of the Kefauver Report to the US Senate it was clear that Organized Crime was already in control of legislators, police forces, the judiciary.
The Silent Syndicate: