That has a lot of sense. If Cohen is double agent. the acusación must be for to Neutralize to Kushner and leave the White House.
But for that, He or Ivanka has to ask the divorce.
That has a lot of sense. If Cohen is double agent. the acusación must be for to Neutralize to Kushner and leave the White House.
But for that, He or Ivanka has to ask the divorce.
Hm. Or Maybe neutralized. although Macron lalety is in big trouble in Syria with the Chemical Attack and his coalition. If he doesn't play the Game well. Resign.
Because it says that There a rivalry between France and Germany for the leadership of the EU of Western Europe.
It's very sure that one of those Three Resign this year. but who?
We have to wait. The game will be long. A gray hat. just lack that do something things as a White hat. Who knows?, but from that Bannon was in France with Le Pen. He's something edgy..
it's a Shill Storm. it's a good signal :)
Intel (Meltdown and Spectre) and AMD is in trouble for that Scandal.
it's to Save the World. difficult decisions.