Anonymous ID: c74f4e April 9, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.977071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When I read this I thought, "This actually isn't too far fetched!" Why I say that is because I am friends with a pair of brothers in the Los Angeles area, who come from a high profile acting family going back to classic TV and film days. They both have writing/acting/producing experience and are in post production of a film centered on the private poker player scene in Hollywood, based on true stories and real people. In terms of genre, the film is a cross between Goodfellas, Hangover and The Sting, all about pulling the wool over someone else's eyes for the laugh, money and one-upmanship. The brothers' family is originally from NYC. In fact, their family knows the Trump family. The two brothers voted for Trump.


The point is, this is how they (New Yorkers, entertainment biz) think! They grew up around the "Art of the deal/steal." It's in their blood to know how pull off a set up, or to be aware of same. All with a poker face.