Only if you're a fake news dumb fuck.
How to trigger commie kikes
nO wAiT, wE mEaNt 'rEdUnDaNt'!
then "Anyone who divides the jews isโฆa bad jew!"
I'd really like to understand your perception you MOS commie kikes, I just can't get my head that far up my ass.
Yep, the commie kikes attack me because I detect division in their ranks.
How to trigger commie kikes
Posts Q drop explaining that its attacks are evidence of being threatened by me.
Attacks me again removing all doubt.
Dumb fuck commie kike outs itself.
"Israeli perspective" = COUNTRY perspective = 'Bad' perspective = Globalist commie kike outs itself again.
Yes, yes, 'appropriate' other's symbols.
y u ignore rest of Rev 3:9 and why you post fake revelation 2:9, moishe?
Full passage Rev 2:9 and 3:9:
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
Those who say they are jews, but are not
How to trigger globalist commie kikes:
Gets them to admit they're globalist commie kikes who fear nationalism.
You dumb fuck commie kikes need to work on your internal consistency.
Hey MOS shill brainlet, post that one with the fake Ben Franklin quote again.
Can't have victim points to your fellow jews wothout more hate memes on 8kun!
Triggering intensifies!
Attacks me AGAIN, thus proving AGAIN I threaten it.
How to trigger commie kikesโข
>I admit I am scared, look at me quote Q and look at me attack a group!
Ahahahahaha, these dumb fuck commie kikes are giving us memes of comedy gold!
How to trigger commie kikesโข
Make them feel like the credit is not theirs.
Tell-tale sign of a panicking commie kike: Criticizes attacks on others, while attacking others.
We're stopping your attacks, commie kike, it's silly to gloat over the past.
Ah, a lying commie kike.
Anyone can TYPE "Jesus Christ is my lord and savior".
Doesn't mean you believe it now does it?
Millennialist Jews can be honest in saying it.
Which kind of Jew are you, other than being a commie kike of course?
Who said I was 'offended'?
You're projecting your own state of being offended.
I'm having fun.
Panicking Fake News low IQ moron Jake Tapper: "wE aLl nEeD tO pAnIc oVeR tHe sCiEnTiFiC fAcT tHaT bEcAuSe tEsTiNg mORe PeOpLE WhO HaVe CoViD LeAdS To MoRe pOsiTiVe rEsULtS mEaNs tHe siTuAtIoN iS gEtTiNg wOrSe"