Interesting piece of architecture. It keeps the history alive of the story of how the troops didn't stand down when told to and just went ahead and did a temple raising, and plundering.
so I used to post this months ago before I learned so more.
the pepole who went back to rome with all that loot . . . were also famous and had curious names.
anyway, ya, so I got some free online old books about 'walks in Rome' and such and read them and it was stuff in there that intrequed me. It said that the big giant minora that is shown on the arch ended up being thrown . . . . in to the Tiber river at some point . . .
that is an interesting story.
and then another book whihc was about Churches in rome (and had a lot of stuff about . . . which is scandalous, I shall not echo) had an even different story about when the stuff was looted from Rome, because it had all been displayed there as booty?
anyway you learn stuff by reading old monuments, and find interesting tidbits that start to add up over time. And that's called 'doing History' I suppose.
wouldn't i be cool if someone could find that old bronze thing and airlift it to Jareusalem?