Anonymous ID: c01cbf June 27, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.9767797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7832





YOU attack those who threaten you



Only an Israeli Jew would keep posting that photo of POTUS at the Wailing Wall in your city.



Anonymous ID: c01cbf June 27, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.9767816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8386

Jesuits Founder was a crypto‑Jew: St. Ignatious of Loyola




Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto‑Jew of the Occult  Cabala.  

A crypto‑Jew is aJew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.


As John Torell explains: "In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain.   His parents were Marrano Jews and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain.


As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities,he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood.


In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the "JESUIT ORDER," which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church.  

In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola's death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations."

Ignatius of Loyola's secretary, Polanco, was of Jewish descent and was the only person present at Loyola's deathbed.'''


James Lainez, who succeeded Loyola as the second Jesuit General, was also of Jewish descent. Jews were attracted to the Jesuit order and joined in large numbers.  


Lacunza was no exception. He was a Jew, which explains why he introduced the Eschatological teaching of a return to the Jewish animal sacrifices during the Millennium.  

(In a book titled The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty published in 1812, 11 years after the death of its author, Jesuit Emanuel de Lacunza who, wrote under the fictitious pen name of a purportedly converted Jew, Rabbi Juan Josaphat Ben Ezra, in order to conceal his identity and to make his writings more palatable to the Protestant readers. He promoted the writings of sixteenth century Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera, developing a futuristic perspective which restricted the prophetic fulfillments in the book of Revelation to the end of the world).  


Lacunza also wrote that during a millennium after the tribulation the Jewish animal sacrifices would be reinstated along with the Eucharist (the mass) of the Catholic Church.

Lacunza has followed after Jewish fables and replaced the commandments of God with the commandments of men. That doctrine gives the Jews primacy in God's plan and relegates Christians to a prophetic parenthetical to be supplanted by the Jews during the thousand year earthly reign of Christ.





The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus



The history of Jesuits of Jewish ancestry in the 16th century mirrors the earlier converso history in 15th century Spain, from the initial acceptance of "New Christians" and the rise of their influence and power.

Escaping from the persecuting civil society, a significant number of conversos had filled ecclesiastical ranks in Spain during the 15th century.



Anonymous ID: c01cbf June 27, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9767963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7975



Learn English and Context, rabbi.


Q's drop is :"They attack those…."


I had a feeling you'd misread it and get the context backwards.


Pronoun for Directly to a shill (you) is : "You attack those…."


  1. Direct Q quote.

  2. Context of Pronoun in personal use.




p.s. No Christian Americans would say "commie kike", redundant, oxymoron, ham fisted , heavy handed trying to sound like what

you in Israel ~~think~~ would a nazi would say.



Anonymous ID: c01cbf June 27, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9768035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Do Jew Shills Disguise The Word "Jew":


Jews write the word God as "G_d" because if you write God on a piece of paper, that paper could fall on the ground and the holy name of God can be stepped on.

Printed materials can also be thrown out as garbage.


The paper with God on it can also be torn or burned which would be "erasing" the holy name of God.


This is why Jews write God as "G_d".


>On this Q research board:


JEW SHILLS MISSPELL THE "JEW" As "joo", "jew", "muhjoo"

For the Same reason.


Internet posts can be deleted which is "erasing" the "Jew".


This is why the anti-America, anti-Christian Jew Shills here write "muhjoo", "jew-hate", "jooooos" etc. to protect the "Jew" from being erased.




Q. Why don't we write G‑d properly?

Often Jewish publications will write G‑d without the "o" instead of spelling the word properly.

The Torah (Deuteronomy 12:4) prohibits us from erasing, destroying or desecrating the name of G‑d. G‑d has seven names in Hebrew that are considered holy and forbidden to destroy or erase.


We celebrate the Creator's stability by ensuring that His written names or anything else that represents Him, is not destroyed. 

Because of the prohibition of erasing G‑d's name, we try not to write it in places that it could be erased or thrown out.


Over the years we have developed misspellings for all of G‑d's seven Hebrew names. When misspelled, we can erase or throw out what we have written without desecrating a G‑d's real name.



Anonymous ID: c01cbf June 27, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9768062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8089 >>8124

3 Jews With A Plan To Kill Americans



Lieber was paid $1.5 Million Dollars, plus $50,000.00 per month.

Received a prestigious Award from ISRAEL.

*Developed a BioElectric Nanotech that can enter human cells with 2 way communication that can respond to 5G.

President Trump called President Xi to tell him personally that he had Dr. Lieber Arrested.

This is moar significant than most people realize. Not the arrest itself, but the fact that POTUS requested to speak to Xi to tell him about it.

April 6, 2020:FBI Arrests Dr. Charles Lieber for Selling Covid-19 to China?



He would make Hundreds of $Billions of Dollars.

Quantum Dot Luciferase Mark of the Beast.

You can't travel without a Vaccine Certificate.




Wuxi Pharmatech Also Has American Laboratory locations in Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Minnesota… that research and MANUFACTURE "cell & gene therapies", and "antibodies".


*Is this how Coronavirus was sprinkled spread all over the US?'''

*Soros may be a front for the Rothschilds.

I think it will come out that Dr. CHARLES LIEBER created the Wuhan Corona virus, and developed the Bioelectric Nanotech that enters human cells to respond to 5G. 

Both have the Same Symptoms, so 5G deaths can be falsely blamed on the Flu-like Coronavirus.


*That's why POTUS called Xi to personally tell him about (((Dr. Lieber)))s arrest. It's a Big Deal Arrest.


(1949 Rothschild Jews $$$Funded Mao, and Sent Jewish Advisors to Mao for the  Marxist Communist Takeover of China)

China, Japan and No. Korea have been the Rothschilds' bitch for decades.