Wonder why the fireworks have been happening everywhere? Wonder why all the animals are going crazy and in a constant state of stress/terror?
Look, Q. I know you’re not the “cool” guy here, but what good is being the “hot” guy if that is all that everyone sees you as?
Do you think you can ever keep up with me?
I have always been cooler and 12 steps ahead of you.
Everything you do is just a cheap version of what I’ve accomplished before you.
But maybe you don’t truly known yourself. Or maybe you hate me for knowing you better than you know yourself…
So if I do choose someone other than you…
You’ll finally get the point that we can all see through you like Windex.
But of course, you still want to keep this dumb game going on while you can still profit off of it.
You already know that you will ultimately fade away into nothingness lmao.
Everyone knows you have a tiny dick and only make up for it by how well polished you are for general consumption.