lawfag here
civil rights lawyers are few and far between
and most case require muhracism
the courts are rigged and corrupt
nope sorry - the courts are not the answer for we the people
the DOJ can and must litigate with our money and more clout
lawfag here
civil rights lawyers are few and far between
and most case require muhracism
the courts are rigged and corrupt
nope sorry - the courts are not the answer for we the people
the DOJ can and must litigate with our money and more clout
fuk these idiots
they dont understand
trump does things his way
more efficient
costs less
lawfag here
what a real survey would ask is how law schools promote racism and unconstitutional law
hey dont let me stop you
im still at it too
i too am a firm believer in the rule of law
its just i dont expect much out of the system any more
eventually you may start winning
best wishes