Everything you like and appreciate will get reappropriated and destroyed.
When will I finally get my Disney “Prince Charming” Happy Ending?
I’m tired of watching everyone else get to live out their fairytale romance happy endings…
Where is my promised happy ending?
Dealing with the homophobic blood-parents and the homophobic step-sister and step-mother was enough…
Now I don’t care about everything that was sacred or everyone else that wanted the best for themselves…
What about me?! Wasn’t I good? Didn’t I follow all of the rules? Didn’t I obey my parents like I was told I needed to?
Am I supposed to give a shit about your guardian angel husband who ultimately cheated on you?
He died in a fucking recreational skydive! It wasn’t like it was a fucking rescue mission of whatever!
Oh, but he died “doing what he loved!” What a hero!
Yeah fucking right.
You and your gypsy Roma mother are dumb trash cunts who had have commie affiliations.
My only oath is to myself. Not to this country that lied to me and tried to shove an empty, useless “American Dream” down my throat.
Not to this country that tried to cover up the truth about 9/11.
Not to any of the homophobes that have tried to make me believe that I am less than and that I don’t deserve to be happy.
You’re all trying to make up for it now, but I will never forget the pain you put me through while growing up, all while expecting me to believe that the American Dream was something that I could achieve when it was always out of reach for me.
Never, not until I get what I want and deserve.