Anonymous ID: 124a74 June 27, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.9772909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2916 >>2930 >>2933 >>2974 >>3176

Shooting at Louisville Black Lives Matter Protest Captured on Video, Multiple People Shot


Multiple people were shot at the Black Lives Matter protest in Louisville’s Jefferson Square Park on Saturday.


The shocking shooting was captured on a Facebook livestream, which has since been removed, but multiple people captured the clip.


First responders were seen putting a victim on a stretcher into an ambulance, but it is unclear how many people were shot or their conditions.


People have been gathering in that park for nearly a month to protest the death of Breonna Taylor, who was killed in the city during a drug raid in March. The city was also subjected to violent riots at the end of May and beginning of June after the death of a criminal in Minneapolis Police custody.


“We are currently working an active police situation at Jefferson Square Park,” Louisville police said in a statement.


The Louisville Police have not yet released any information about the suspect.

Anonymous ID: 124a74 June 27, 2020, 9 p.m. No.9772926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2960 >>3006 >>3069

Four People Charged for Allegedly Trying to Topple Andrew Jackson Statue



Four individuals who allegedly attempted to topple a statue of Andrew Jackson near the White House were charged Friday with the destruction of federal property, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia announced Saturday.


The suspects — Connor Matthew Judd, 20, of Washington, D.C.; Graham Lloyd, 37, of Maine; Ryan Lane, 37, of Maryland; and 47-year-old Virginia resident Lee Michael Cantrell — are said to have tried both damaging and yanking down the Jackson statue with other unidentified people on June 22.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C. stated of the alleged incident:


The complaint further alleges that Cantrell was captured on video attempting to pry the statue off its base with a wooden board and trying to pull the statue down with the aid of a yellow strap. The complaint alleges that Judd is seen on video trying to pull down the statue, and that Lane is seen on video affixing a rope to one part of the statue and then pulling on another rope tied to the statue. The complaint also alleges that video of the incident shows Lloyd as he breaks off and destroys the wheels of cannons located at the base of the statue. Lloyd is also captured on video pulling on ropes in an effort to topple the statue, and handing a hammer to an unidentified individual involved in the incident. Judd was arrested on Friday and appeared in Superior Court of the District of Columbia today… The remaining defendants have not yet been apprehended.


“The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia will not stand idly by and allow our national monuments to be vandalized and destroyed,” Acting U.S. Attorney Michael R. Sherwin said in a statement. “This Office remains steadfast in its commitment to protect the sacred First Amendment right of individuals to peacefully protest, but these charges should serve as a warning to those who choose to desecrate the statues and monuments that adorn our nation’s capital: your violent behavior and criminal conduct will not be tolerated.”


The arrests came as the Department of Justice announced that Attorney General William Barr was creating a task force to targeting “anti-government extremists,” which will be spearheaded by Craig Carpenito, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, and U.S. Attorney for the district of Northern Texas Erin Nealy Cox.


“Although these extremists profess a variety of ideologies, they are united in their opposition to the core constitutional values of a democratic society governed by law,” Barr wrote in a memo obtained by the Washington Post. “Some pretend to profess a message of freedom and progress, but they are in fact forces of anarchy, destruction, and coercion.”


Appearing Friday on Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) podcast The Verdict, Barr revealed the Joint Terrorism Task Force is undertaking 500 investigations into alleged violence in the wake of protests and violent unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd, an African-American man who died while in Minneapolis police custody.


“We’ve had scores of indictments so far for such things as arson, destruction of federal property. We have right now about 500 investigations underway, so it’s picking up pace,” the attorney general said. “We are committed to holding accountable the people who engaged in this.”


“We are seeing strong evidence of coordination in many of these violent episodes” he added.


On Friday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at protecting federal monuments across the country.


“I just had the privilege of signing a very strong Executive Order protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues – and combatting recent Criminal Violence,” the president tweeted. “Long prison terms for these lawless acts against our Great Country!”

Anonymous ID: 124a74 June 27, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.9772936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2941 >>2992 >>3053 >>3083

Democrats in Orange County Want John Wayne’s Name Off Airport Over ‘Racist and Bigoted Statements’


The Democratic Party of Orange County in California wants to send the “Duke” riding off into the sunset for good.


Party leaders are demanding the removal of actor John Wayne’s name from the local airport due to the “racist and bigoted statements” that the Hollywood star made in a 1971 magazine interview.


In a resolution issued on Friday, they are calling for John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana to revert back to its original name, Orange County Airport.


“O​range County is now a diverse region far different from the time when John Wayne was chosen as namesake for the airport,” the party said in its resolution.


There have been several attempts in recent years to rename John Wayne Airport. But the latest effort from O.C. Democrats is the first to invoke the recent Black Lives Matter protests, which have targeted historic statues and monuments around the country for destruction and removal.


“A national movement to remove white supremacist symbols and names is reshaping American institutions, monuments, businesses, nonprofits, sports leagues and teams,” the O.C. Democrats said. “It is widely recognized that racist symbols produce lasting physical and psychological stress and trauma particularly to Black communities, people of color and other oppressed groups.”


The party said the removal of racist symbols “provides a necessary process for communities to remember historic acts of violence and recognize victims of oppression.”


John Wayne gave an interview to Playboy magazine in 1971 in which the Oscar-winning actor made comments that O.C. Democrats now view as “racist and bigoted.”


Here is the section of Wayne’s interview that has incited the most controversy:


“With a lot of blacks, there’s quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.”


O.C. Democrats also called Wayne “anti-LGBT” and “anti-Indigenous.”


In the 1971 interview, Wayne described the movie Midnight Cowboy as a “a story about two f*gs.” The Western star was also asked if he felt empathy for Native Americans.


“I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them, if that’s what you’re asking. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.”


John Wayne Airport was given its current name in 1979 in honor of the True Grit actor who died that year and was a local resident. It is the largest airport in Orange County, which owns and operates it.


The O.C. was once a Republican stronghold. But it turned blue during the 2018 midterm elections, with all of its congressional districts now represented by Democrats.

Anonymous ID: 124a74 June 27, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.9772990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge orders police to free ex-general arrested at anti-corruption rally


Authorities had sought to ban Amir Haskel and two other protesters from Jerusalem after Friday protest, but court rules doing so would clamp down on their right to free speech


A former top general and two others were ordered to be unconditionally released from police custody early Sunday after they were arrested for protesting outside of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence.


Police had sought restraining orders against former air force brig. gen. (res.) Amir Haskel, and fellow protesters Gil Danieli and Saadi Ben Sheetrit to ban them from Jerusalem for at least 15 days, after the three were detained during a demonstration against government corruption in the capital Friday.


But at a late night hearing that stretched beyond midnight Saturday night, Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court judge Orna Sandler-Eitan said banning them from Jerusalem would amount to a muzzle on free speech and ordered they be released without conditions.


Haskel sounded a defiant tone upon leaving the courtroom, hours after over a thousand people rallied in his defense in Jerusalem.


“Nobody will stop us from demonstrating, so long as we do so under the [health] guidelines,” he said, according to Hebrew media reports. He described the nation as a powder keg ready to explode. “If my arrest sparked something, it was worth it.”


During the hearing, a police representative said a temporary restraining order barring the arrested protesters from Jerusalem was the minimum to be expected, after the three refused to consent to a conditional release, according to Hebrew media reports.


“I’m having difficulty with this assertion,” the judge said. “This is in fact silencing [them].”


Supporters had also argued that the arrest of Haskel was politically motivated as a means to silence him.


“The attempt to shut people up and prevent demonstrations in a democratic country is unthinkable,” former Likud minister-cum-frequent Netanyahu critic Limor Livnat said.


A police representative admitted to the judge that Haskel, 66, had not been actively blocking roads, but said he had organized the protest and thus was responsible for other demonstrators doing so, according to the Haaretz news outlet. The representative said police had handled the protesters with kid gloves.

Anonymous ID: 124a74 June 27, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.9773023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3098 >>3176

Gab CEO Warns VIsa Is Helping To Bring China's "Social Credit Score" To America


A little over a week after getting blacklisted by Visa simply for being associated with Gab, a social media alternative that's committed to the principles of free speech, Andrew Torba, Gab's CEO, has just spoken out for the first time via a blog post detailing his experiences. His account is almost shocking in that, as Torba argues, it shows that US corporations like Visa have started to create their own version of China's "social credit score" metric in the US.


If you're deemed "politically incorrect", you will be silenced, fired and harassed by major corporations, journalists and "activists" who claim to be committed to social justice and equality. As Torba explains, because he refuses to censor hate speech on his platform in keeping with his commitment to making Gab a censorship-free platform, Visa has targeted him, and accused him of "breaking the law" - even though "hate speech" is protected under the First Amendment.


Visa has effectively cut Torba off from the dollar-based financial system. His easiest means of transacting digitally, at this point, probably involves crypto.


This level of prosecution should make Christians and conservatives nervous, as they have seen these tactics from the left before. And the results last time around…well…they weren't pretty…no matter what American millennials might believe.


    • *


As many of you already know we learned last week that Visa blacklisted Gab and we are now unable to process credit and debit card transactions. We learned more information this week and I think it’s important that I share it as a warning for others.

It’s not just Gab that is blacklisted. It’s also my family.


In China there is something called the Social Credit System, which was developed by the Communist Chinese Party as a “national reputation system.” This system tracks the “trustworthiness” of individuals, businesses, and organizations. “Trustworthiness” here means total and complete submission to the Chinese Communist Party. If the Communist Party deems you to be untrustworthy, you are denied access to plane tickets, train tickets, opening and operating businesses, and more.


As of June 2019, according to the National Development and Reform Commission of China, 26.82 million air tickets as well as 5.96 million high-speed rail tickets have been denied to people who were deemed “untrustworthy (失信)” (on a blacklist), and 4.37 million “untrustworthy” people have chosen to fulfill their duties required by the law.


To most Americans this sounds horrifying, and it is. I now know from first-hand experience because this social credit system exists in the United States. While it may not be sanctioned by the United States government, it most certainly has been deployed by US corporations who today have in many ways more power, data, and control over our lives than our government does. Many of these corporations also happen to be endorsing and raising money for communist organizations, revolutionaries, and the domestic terrorists burning down our cities.


We were told this week that not only is Gab blacklisted by Visa as a business, but my personal name, phone number, address, and more are all also blacklisted by Visa. If I wanted to leave Gab tomorrow (something that isn’t going to happen) and start a lemonade stand I wouldn’t be able to obtain merchant processing for it. Simply because my name is Andrew Torba. If my wife wants to start a business she won’t be able to obtain merchant processing because she lives at the same address as me and would be flagged by Visa.


This is obviously very concerning. We have done nothing wrong. Gab is and always has been a legally operated business. We sell hats, shirts, and a software subscription service that unlocks new features on Gab. My personal credit score is in the 800’s. I pay my bills. I have a wife and daughter to provide for, yet we are all being punished and defamed because someone at Visa has it out for me.

Anonymous ID: 124a74 June 27, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.9773134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3165 >>3171

Shills doing overtime lately trying to shape us as racists, Nazi's and antisemitic


Patriots don't see skin color and all bleed red!


Fuck the haters and destroyers