>Democrats in Orange County Want John Wayne’s Name Off Airport Over ‘Racist and Bigoted Statements’
>Democrats in Orange County Want John Wayne’s Name Off Airport Over ‘Racist and Bigoted Statements’
@:36 sec mark
"I always thought I was a Liberal. I came up terribly surprised one time when I found out I was a 'right-wing' conservative…" - John Wayne
>john wayne WAS a dick
Dude, if you were John mfing Wayne, you'd probably be a dick too! kek He was dealing with Hollyweird after all!
>BrianCates @drawandstrike Twatter speculates that this rabies infected anarchist is the same dude.
It 100% IS the same dude! I watched videos of him calling a black cop a "Bitch ass nigger!" smh He was drunk off his ass slurring his words…
>"Fun virtual game night with family near and far."
Comey's 'virtual game' is "Which one in the Deep State is going to Gitmo first?" and they are lol-ing because EVERYONE guessed goat humper John Brennan!
WAIT WAT….Terrence Williams on Greg Gutfeld tonight! Moving on up . . .
The Greg Gutfeld Show 6/27/20 | Fox New Today June 27, 2020
HERE WE GO . . .
Two people dead, four others injured, after gunman opens fire at a Wal-Mart Distribution Center in California